I know what you’re thinking, “What does Bach have to do with business?” The answer: EVERYTHING! Bach composed around 2000 pieces of music during his lifetime. That’s the equivalent of one piece of music every week for 40 years. In addition to doing some composing, Bach was an acclaimed organist and also played the harpsichord, viola and violin. How was one person able to accomplish so much in his 65 years of life? Excellence. Bach pursued excellence in all that he did.
Now we can’t all have the talent of J.S. Bach, but we can all pursue excellence the way he did. Here’s how:

1) Become well rounded within your specialty. Bach performed and composed music. The one informed the other and increased his skill. You don’t need to be all things to all people, but you should have the bases covered within your discipline.

2) Practice excellence regularly. Not every one of Bach’s compositions is well known today, but they were all done to the best of his ability at the rate of one per week.

3) Manage your time well. One composition per week in addition to practicing and performing. That takes careful time management.

Bach is a hero to many in the musical world, I think he should become a hero to the business world as well. Be like Bach!