I’m a big fan of the internet. So much information a few mouse clicks away makes me feel powerful. It makes me feel that I can do anything. Never before in history has it been easier to find out how to read the engine codes for your car, bake the perfect gluten-free birthday cake or find out how many fireplaces there are in the White House (28). But there’s a big problem with the internet:
It makes me feel like a professional at virtually anything. And I’m not. No matter how many, “how to cross stitch” videos I watch, I’ll never be as good as my mom. Ever.
I use this example to illustrate my larger point: I’m also not a doctor, attorney, engineer, electrician, diesel mechanic, exterminator, baker, bowling pin machine mechanic…you get my point. I’m good at a small set of skills around which my business is based.
Today, I called my stock broker and told him to sell some stock (thinking that I knew what I was talking about). He graciously replied, “Bob, if we do it that way you won’t get as good a price for the stock as if we do….” I thought to myself, “That’s right, Brian is the broker, not me. This is what I pay him for.”
What areas of your business are you doing this in? Are you pretending to be a bookkeeper, but actually have a huge pile of bills, receipts, and invoices cluttering your desk? Are you delaying that meeting with your attorney because you’re pretty sure you’ll never have any legal problems? Are you filing your tax return with a prayer each year, hoping that you filled it out correctly and didn’t miss anything important?
A successful person recognizes their weaknesses and does something about them. For me, I am weak on marketing my own business. I have loads of ideas for others, but seem to struggle with promoting myself. That’s why I’m working with Jim Bouchard who is helping me in this area. You’re reading this because Jim said, “Bob, you’re good with people and have a unique perspective, you need to start blogging.” Yes sir, coach.
So if you are that person who is trying to do everything for their business, I have two words for you: stop it! Find quality, qualified people in your area that can come alongside you and free you up to do what you do best. You’re not a pro at everything, but you are a pro at something. So focus on that.